Bienvenidos al blog de Dulce Pampa.
Me presento: Soy Nieves, Argentina (de La Plata), descubri mi faceta artistica en Suiza donde vivi 5 dulces años y les escribo desde Londres, donde vivo actualmente. De profesión... cientifica.
Cuando estoy exhausta me calma meterme en la cocina y seguir haciendo experimentos científicos con otros ingredientes. Porque la ciencia no tiene mucho de diferente a la cocina solo que generalmente un experimento en la cocina da placer a corto plazo.
No diria que soy fotografa, es una palabra demasiado grande para mi, pero me encanta jugar a serlo y sobre todo disfruto mucho la fotografia culinaria, es como inmortalizar un gran logro, el esfuerzo y la creatividad en un click.
En este blog participan muchas personas queridas y siempre esta abierto a nuevas propuestas, me gustan las mutaciones. Mi hermana mayor, Laura, que hace magia con las manos, ilustra las recetas de este blog. No todas porque tiene muchisimo trabajo, pero en cuanto encuentra un huequito hace cosas divinas. Hace trabajos freelance asique si hay interesados visiten su sitio!
Mi hermana del medio, Mecha, cocinera de instinto y mi consultora oficial. Sus indicaciones son preciosas y sus criticas.... también! Ademas van a encontrar algunas visitas con recetas nuevas. Me encanta cocinar con amigos y aprender de las mañas de la gente y ademas es una buena manera de pasar tiempo juntos. Y de vez en cuando viene mi amiga Floriane con sus lindos trabajos en arcilla.
Y los viajes... todavia no conoci a una persona a la que no le guste viajar! que lindo es! Cuando el tiempo y el bolsillo lo permiten, no me para nadie, me tomo el avion y chau! Tambien les contare sobre eso, aunque siempre notaran una inclinacion hacia la comida. La verdad es... Que creo que la comida es uno de los grandes placeres de la vida....
En fin, este blog habla de comida y.... de la vida misma. Espero que lo disfruten y me acompañen.
Si les gustaria tener en su casa alguna de mis fotos o ilustraciones de Lau, o si tienen preguntas sobre mis recetas no duden en contactarme! Yo mas que contenta! Mi mail es
Por favor si queres usar alguna imagen de este blog no dejes de avisarme. Mira aqui para mas detalles o contactame por mail .
English version
Welcome to Dulce Pampa's Blog. Let me introduce my-self, I'm Nieves, Argentina. I discovered the artistic side of me in Lausanne (Switzerland) where I lived 5 sweet years. I am writing this blog from London, where I currently live. For how long? who knows... It is important for me to travel a lot for two reasons, because I like it and because it is good fir my career. No, I am not a business woman, nor a travel reporter... I am a scientist...
Apart from being a scientist I love cooking. When I am stressed, upset, extremely tired or simply when I have free time, I cook. Going into my kitchen with some music calms me down, I feel good while I cook. I love my job though, and you know cooking is not that different from
doing scientific experiments in a lab. Both require preparing your ingredients, follow a protocol (or make it up -and it is always more rewarding when you come up with a new recipe of yourself), put things together and wait for the result.
Finally the analysis of the data. It can be very
frustrating in both cases but when it is good, OH GOD it is such a pleasure! The main difference between science and cooking is that in the last one the results are usually faster and it gives you pleasure more often than not.
I wouldn't dare to say that I am a photographer, this is too big a word for me and I don't really have so much time to really be one. The truth is that I love photography and I really enjoy doing it. Food photography is of course something that I absolutely love. The thing is, food is not only good, it is also very beautiful, don't you think? Taking pics of the food I make is like immortalizing your efforts, (¨look mom what I did¨)! again as in science you need to record your results. Ok I should stop this, am I freaking you out already?
To make things clear, this blog is NOT about science, but about food and I am not alone, I have my lovely sisters with me all the time. You will find illustrations from a real artist, Laura. She is a (freelance) graphic designer, check out her work here! and you will also find Mecha's advise on some recipes. She is a food engineer and will never let me store food in the oven to eat the day after. She is of course a very nice and instinctive cook!
All in all, you will find a lot of my-self in this place and I really hope you enjoy what you find.
If you would like to use or purchase any of the photos or illustrations in this blog, or if you have any questions whatsoever, please contact me on
Please if you want to use any image from this blog ket me know about it. For more information have a look here or drop me an e-mail