El resultado de una gran necesidad de expresarse es en muchos casos la creación una gran obra de arte. Esta obra de arte puede tener miles de formas diferentes y en general toma la forma de lo que mas nos gusta hacer y obviamente de lo que mejor nos sale. Este es el caso de una gran amiga mía Julia, de la que ya les he hablado antes. Ella sintió muchas ganas de sacar todo el talento que tiene dentro y creo el blog ¨yosiempreyolachula¨ donde nos cuenta muchas historias que al menos a mi me hace sentir muy identificada la mayor parte de las veces... Quería hablarles de él porque me gusta mucho y porque creo que vale la pena visitarlo.
Julia es periodista y tiene muchas cosas que decir, ademas de ser una gran amiga es una persona de una gran simpatía y franqueza y en su blog nos cuenta historias reales, muuuuuy reales y ademas tiene la cualidad de convertir esas cosas que a veces nos hacen la vida difícil en anécdotas divertidas. Julia afirma que ¨Lo imposible solo tarda un poco mas¨, tendrá razón? espero que si. Los invito a leer sus historias y después me cuentan.
Mi manera de expresarme en cambio, como bien lo saben, es la cocina y la fotografía, y hoy quiero dejarles esta rica receta que es un gran comodín! Es una simple tarta de manzana pero con el crumble de Narda Lepes que ya les conté antes. No solo es exquisita sino que es facil de preparar y se puede comer tibia lo que nos hace la vida fácil cuando preparamos el postre a ultimo momento, cosa que me pasa bastante seguido....
Esta tarta tiene una mezcla de texturas que adoro. Las manzanas bien blanditas y jugosas y el crumble crocantito! que rico!!! y si la acompañan con helado de crema agregamos otra textura mas, en este caso es mejor servir la tarta calentita, asi el helado se derrite despacito sobre la tarta.
Los dejo con un pedacito de tarta y un poco de lectura, una linda tarde de domingo.
English version
Many times the result of a great willing to express our-selves is the creation of a masterpiece that can of course have many different forms. Generally they take the shape of what we love to do, what we are passionate for and obviously of what we do the best. This is the case of a very good friend of mine, Julia, who created a blog called ¨yosiempreyolachula¨. In this blog she tells us stories that will make you feel ¨at home¨. I want to talk to you about this blog because I like it a lot and I actually think it is worth visiting.
It has a mixture of textures that I absolutely love. The soft and juicy apples and the crunchy crumble make this cake one of my new favorites combinations. A plus? serve with vanilla ice cream and add third texture... mmm absolutely delicious!!! In this case serve the cake warm so the ice cream slowly melts on top.
Los dejo con un pedacito de tarta y un poco de lectura, una linda tarde de domingo.
English version
Many times the result of a great willing to express our-selves is the creation of a masterpiece that can of course have many different forms. Generally they take the shape of what we love to do, what we are passionate for and obviously of what we do the best. This is the case of a very good friend of mine, Julia, who created a blog called ¨yosiempreyolachula¨. In this blog she tells us stories that will make you feel ¨at home¨. I want to talk to you about this blog because I like it a lot and I actually think it is worth visiting.
Julia is a journalist and has many things to say. Apart from being a great friend she is special, fun and frank, she will make you laugh out true and sometimes difficult stories, out of the every-day life. Julia states that ¨the impossible just take a little bit longer¨ is she right? hopefully yes! I invite you to visit her blog and you tell me what you think about it afterwards.
On the other hand my way to express my-self, as you very well know, is to cook and photograph and as so I want to share this recipe with you that is by the way a nice joker! It is a simple apple tart but with Narda Lepe's crumble on top. It is not only delicious but also easy to prepare and you can eat it warm, what makes your life easier whenever you have to make the dessert at the last minute (that happens to me most of the times to be honest...)
I leave you with a piece of cake and some good reading, a lovely Sunday afternoon.