Es la primera vez que hago cupcakes! Si bien son hermosos y en las fotos parecen el modelo perfecto, la crema que llevan por arriba me parece muy mantecosa, quizas porque nunca comi un cupcake realmente bien hecho o tal vez porque simplemente prefiero otros sabores.
Hace poco recibi un mail de la gente de "The Cupcake Factory BA" en Argentina porque querian promocionar sus cupcakes y su servicio de entrega a domicilio. Como estoy un poco lejos de Argentina... les propuse que se los mandaran a mi hermana y mi mama asi ellas podian ser mis ojos, bueno, mis sentidos. Confio mucho en su opinion asique me parecio una buena idea.
Las palabras de ellas fueron solo buenas con respecto a estos cupcakes. Nos mandaron unos cupacakes de lemon pie y parece ser que son todo un manjar! Ademas el packaging es muy lindo (gracias a mi hermana que saco las fotos al final de este post así pueden verlo bien). Tambien su sitio web es precioso y muy invitante. Los invito a que los prueben, yo por lo pronto estaré visitando mi tierra en diciembre-enero y no perdere ni un minuto para probarlos yo misma y contarles las delicias que pruebe!
Mientras tanto yo, invadida por una tremenda curiosidad "cupcakeistica", hice con mis propias manitos estos deliciosos cupcakes de chocolate y frosting de frutos del bosque. Y nada de manteca, encontré una receta genial que no lleva manteca, solo crema. A pesar de ser mi primera vez fueron realmente un éxito, RIQUISIMOS!!!soy modesta no? Humedos y bien chocolatosos ademas la deliciosa crema de frutos rojos le agrego el toque fresco y dulce. La combinacion perfecta, como cuando encontras ese par de jeans que encajan justo, no pasa seguido, no? A disfrutar!
English version
It is the very first time I prepare cupcakes! I know that they look pretty, and in the photos they look like the perfect model but there is something about the frosting that is not convincing for me... I may not have eaten a very good one until now or simply I don't die for this extremely buttery flavour.
Some time ago I received an e-mail from "The Cupcake Factory BA" in Argentina because they wanted to promote their cupcakes and their delivery service. Unfortunately I live quite far away from Argentina now but I told them to send some to my mum and sister, I trust their opinion very much, they would be my eyes, well... my senses.
They both agreed that these lemon pie cupcakes they received where a real delicacy! And the packaging is so cute (thanks to my sister for taking the pictures at the bottom of this post so you can see it by your own). Their website is also very nice and very inviting. I can't wait to be back home this winter (here) / summer (there- in Argentina) to try them my-self!!
On the meantime, overwhelmed by this cupcake-ish curiosity, I made my own. These delicious cupcakes are sooooo good! Although my first shot, it was much more than a success,am I modest enough?? Moist, pure chocolate taste and the berries frosting made them fresh and sweet. The perfect combination, like when you find that pair of jeans that really suits you, it doesn't happen so often, no? Enjoy!
Receta / Recipe
Hace poco recibi un mail de la gente de "The Cupcake Factory BA" en Argentina porque querian promocionar sus cupcakes y su servicio de entrega a domicilio. Como estoy un poco lejos de Argentina... les propuse que se los mandaran a mi hermana y mi mama asi ellas podian ser mis ojos, bueno, mis sentidos. Confio mucho en su opinion asique me parecio una buena idea.
Las palabras de ellas fueron solo buenas con respecto a estos cupcakes. Nos mandaron unos cupacakes de lemon pie y parece ser que son todo un manjar! Ademas el packaging es muy lindo (gracias a mi hermana que saco las fotos al final de este post así pueden verlo bien). Tambien su sitio web es precioso y muy invitante. Los invito a que los prueben, yo por lo pronto estaré visitando mi tierra en diciembre-enero y no perdere ni un minuto para probarlos yo misma y contarles las delicias que pruebe!
Mientras tanto yo, invadida por una tremenda curiosidad "cupcakeistica", hice con mis propias manitos estos deliciosos cupcakes de chocolate y frosting de frutos del bosque. Y nada de manteca, encontré una receta genial que no lleva manteca, solo crema. A pesar de ser mi primera vez fueron realmente un éxito, RIQUISIMOS!!!
English version
It is the very first time I prepare cupcakes! I know that they look pretty, and in the photos they look like the perfect model but there is something about the frosting that is not convincing for me... I may not have eaten a very good one until now or simply I don't die for this extremely buttery flavour.
Some time ago I received an e-mail from "The Cupcake Factory BA" in Argentina because they wanted to promote their cupcakes and their delivery service. Unfortunately I live quite far away from Argentina now but I told them to send some to my mum and sister, I trust their opinion very much, they would be my eyes, well... my senses.
They both agreed that these lemon pie cupcakes they received where a real delicacy! And the packaging is so cute (thanks to my sister for taking the pictures at the bottom of this post so you can see it by your own). Their website is also very nice and very inviting. I can't wait to be back home this winter (here) / summer (there- in Argentina) to try them my-self!!
On the meantime, overwhelmed by this cupcake-ish curiosity, I made my own. These delicious cupcakes are sooooo good! Although my first shot, it was much more than a success,
Receta / Recipe